So, you all. This is it! My first stab at a poem. I’m branching out into a new project where I am hoping to begin to combine the melody of healing hips with the mantra of hope.

I have made feeding my soul my priority
and have been given an empowering permit
to crawl over the obstacles that have been my wall.
To be vulnerable, as a way, to have authority
over my mind and body which I commit
to optimism, recovery, and verity as I stand tall.
A belief that having hope is not temerity.
The key to my travels home is that my insist
would be the fact that I would not fall.
There is trust that hope provides charity
on a healing journey home to feel the sun’s kiss.
On a voyage of gratitude, endurance and, even, lost wherewithal,
I worked towards mind and body solidarity.
With this being said, I will continue to persist.
So, from these lips, I tell you, once and for all,
hope is my tip and my therapy.
Hope and challenge can co-exist
and your journey will not be your downfall,
but rather your clarity.