I am by far NOT a champion. As a cross country high school runner, the only reason I ran was to have one more activity for my college applications. I was always trudging in towards the end of the pack, but I was definitely not a quitter. I pushed on even though I hated running. I was not a quitter in running and definitely not a quitter in the kitchen.

My dad was an amazing chef and baker, but I, on the other hand, was a microwave loving make believe kitchen connoisseur. In fact, I remember one of the first times that I cooked for my husband, he spit it out. I cried and he felt bad, but I did not quit. I have tried recipe after recipe and experimented! Some failed and some have been passed along to my kids. With a new outlook of a "food is medicine" approach and a foundation for strength, I'm now a plant based eating yogi. I have tried out many new recipes - some have been game changers and others - not so much.
I find that breakfast is the most important meal of my day! It sounds so cliché, right? It actually is. My rationale for it being incredibly important is that my day is usually so crazy busy. My day typically starts with the ease of an alarm clock sounding with the melody of wind chimes. I usually snooze once unless I have already been awake for two hours which is many times my struggle. Then I roll out of bed - bed head and all. Grab a green tea to get moving through my exercise program and then I eat breakfast. If I don't eat before 8 a.m., it may not be until late afternoon that I actually eat again. I need that energy - the vigor that a full stomach can provide coupled with the anti-oxidants of hope, resilience and optimism.

Here is one of my favorite breakfast recipes - breakfast quinoa - and a little story. For years, I did not know how to say the word, quinoa. I pronounced it "kwi no a". Now, I know it is "keenwah"! It is packed with protein and energy and my husband stuck his nose up at it the first time I made it. And, now, this is mostly his daily breakfast with fresh blueberries and almond milk! He loves it and I'm so glad he did not spit it out. I'm succeeding!
Breakfast is that first meal that can set the tone for your day. If you want to be a champion in whatever your goals are, you need to fuel them with real food in addition to the air of hope.